Srinivasa Ramanujan (1887-1920) is one of history’s most gifted Mathematicians, sadly departing before he was even 33 years of age.
In 1917 Srinivasa discovered several formulas for π. The one below is known as the “Ramanujan-Sato Series”:
The incredible thing about this formula is its exponential speed of convergence (the tree large terms simplify to O((99^(-4k)*k^(-3/2)) for large k). In turn, the ratios must be at least the precision we would like to approximate π with. Below we show the growth of the three large terms in the series, and the exponent of their product, for k=1 to 5:
k | t1=(4k)! | t2=(k!)^4 | t3=396^(4k) | O[t1/(t2*t3)] |
1 | 2.400000e+01 | 1 | 2.459126e+10 | -9 |
2 | 4.032000e+04 | 16 | 6.047300e+20 | -17 |
3 | 4.790016e+08 | 1296 | 1.487107e+31 | -26 |
4 | 2.092279e+13 | 331776 | 3.656983e+41 | -34 |
5 | 2.432902e+18 | 207360000 | 8.992982e+51 | -42 |
Notice that for small k, (396^(4k)) grows fastest, though above a certain k factorials will take over, k! ~ O(k^k).
53-bit doubles in R
are limited to 22 significant digits. So for k>2,
this term will be truncated. Take k=4 as an example:
#> [1] 3.6569832807775449e+41
Via the arbitrary-precision Rmpfr package (using 120 bits), we can see the above with its full 42 digits:
Rmpfr::mpfr(396, 120)^(4*4)
#> 1 'mpfr' number of precision 120 bits
#> [1] 365698328077754498546241794891999342493696
Total integer precision is imperative in the series computation, so we start by loading the arbitrary-precision library.
We will be using 240 bits of precision:
library(dplyr) # to use "%>%" and "tibble"
library(Rmpfr) # use this for arbitrary-precision floats
bits <- 240
One term of the R-S series and its front coefficient:
sqrt2 <- sqrt(mpfr("2", bits))
rs_coeff <- 9801L/(2L*sqrt2)
rs_term <- function(k) {
num <- factorial(4L*k)*(26390L*k+1103L)
den <- (factorial(k)*(396L^k))^4L
Computes π w/ kmax iterations of the R-S formula (reciprocal of original formula):
rs_series <- function(kmax) {
terms <- rs_term(mpfr(0:(kmax-1),bits))
Only 5 iterations and we’re pretty close:
#> 5 'mpfr' numbers of precision 240 bits
#> [1] 3.141592730013305660313996189025215518599581607110033559656536290128551455
#> [2] 3.1415926535897938779989058263060130942166450293228488791739637915057844
#> [3] 3.141592653589793238462649065702758898156677480462334781168399595644739792
#> [4] 3.141592653589793238462643383279555273159974210420379911216703896006945788
#> [5] 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197663818133030623976165590998553105
Obtains high-precision π computed internally by mpfr
piMpfr <- Const("pi",bits)
#> 1 'mpfr' number of precision 240 bits
#> [1] 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816407
Order of error vs iteration, notice we are expanding the accuracy by 8 digits per iteration:
iter | error | newDigits |
1 | \-7 | NA |
2 | \-15 | 8 |
3 | \-23 | 8 |
4 | \-31 | 8 |
5 | \-39 | 8 |
Mind-blowing convergence to the value of π afforded by the Ramanujan-Sato series! 😄
© 2019 Dan S. Reznik